Leicestershire hotel gets replacement pillar cap

Donington manor repairs Most of my work over many years has been the creation of large scale public art sculpture. Predominantly these sculptures have been in carved stone although occasionally in glass and concrete. Over the years I have taught myself some of the fine arts of working stone including designing and carving letters and [...]

By |2022-10-13T15:41:09+01:00October 13th, 2022|stone seating, stonemasonry|Comments Off on Leicestershire hotel gets replacement pillar cap

Carved stone features for National Defence and Rehabilitation Centre

Carved stone features for National Defence and Rehabilitation Centre I have recently installed these works into the beautiful grounds of Stamford Hall near Loughborough. The Hall is now home to the National Defence and Rehabilitation Centre https://www.thednrc.org.uk/ which has been moved from Headley Court. The carved stone features were completed in time to mark the change [...]

By |2019-02-25T10:05:36+00:00February 25th, 2019|Sculpture, stone seating|Comments Off on Carved stone features for National Defence and Rehabilitation Centre
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