On a visit back to my native north east last weekend, I called into the Baltic to have a peak at the Daniel Buren exhibition. Fortunately the sun was shining which allowed the coloured glass ceiling panels to project stunning coloured reflections onto the floor of the gallery space. The colours are bounced around the room by giant mirrors to further enhance the fairytalesque experience. Definitely worth a visit. Having installed the Naval Service Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum earlier this summer which works in a similar way, I was particularly interested to see how Daniel Buren used the reflected colour in his work. Many thanks again to Dave Evans (ex Navy) for the latest images of the Naval Service Memorial taken this week. It is great to see the shadows beginning to stretch across the granite pavement as the sun gets lower in the sky. By December they should stretch beyond the edges to provide a blue sea of reflected light. Can’t wait.
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